Hi Everyone,
Just thought I'd catch everyone up on some cool things I've been working on in since my last blog. I have been busy catching up on a couple of school projects. I was out sick one week and have been playing catch up ever since. I had a cold in November, and thought it was gone and again in December, and finally feel like it left this month. Now I'm just dealing with my regular every day allergies. Can't a girl get a break?? Anyway enough about sicky poo topic. I am backed up with school work, but I am enjoying my class. My instructor doesn't seem to be to worried about me getting my homework turned in on time, however I try to act as if I am in a real job atmostphere and have a deadline. So I'll be slaving away at the computer tomorrow trying to get it all turned in, so I can start working on this weeks assignment.
This month and last month I have done a couple of photography shoots. I promise to post some of the shoots soon. My long time friend Mindy let me take some really great photo's of her daughter Alice, and some of her and her family. I also got a couple of great shots of her son Ben. I had a great afternoon with all of them, and the weather was perfect.
Another cool project I am working on is for a friend of mine who owns her own Organic Farm. She's got me working on a business card and brochures. Once her business is up and running I will tell you more about her farm and what all you can do there. It is really a neat Idea, and I think it will be a big hit around here.
Last weekend was the Mount Dora Arts Festival and since I had Sunday off I decided to go down there. Luckly my friend Merita lives not to far from the Festival and I was able to use her parking lot and parked for free. I strolled down the different streets with hundreds of others and got a couple of very unique pottery pieces to use for entertaining and a pretty orange vase to go in my Orange kitchen (yah heard me!! If you didn't know I really do have an Orange Kitchen).
This week/weekend I am making Redvelvet Cupcakes for work, and I'm off on Saturday and Sunday and I am going to take the day on Saturday to get caught up on my photos at an all day scrapbooking event. I can't wait to start putting some of my photography into a digital album so I can take it with me and show off my work. I am very excited about working on that project. :)
Hope Everyone Has a happy Valentines Day/Night. This weekend I am going to try and post some of the great photo's I have taken the past couple of months so be on the look out for new photos.
TTFN, Meg :)