So I have been extremely busy these past few months and have not had much of a chance to write. I have been busy networking, and am working more full time then part time these days. Which is good cause I love to be busy esspically living in Hot Fl. in the Summer. :) I have a few photos I wanted to share that I took the past couple of months. They're pretty random, but still wanted to share. They're all some family, friends, and a photo of my dog Lola. I have to show her off now and then. Anyway, I had a little time off to share these fun photos. Enjoy.

My brother and his son. This is just so sweet.

This was back in Jan. when the weather was nice and cool. Lola is running around the back yard. I was surprised that this shot turned out as good as it did. Normally she looks like a black blob on the screen. :)

I love the lighting behind the girls. Plus the girls are all so pretty here. This was a fun night with the girls.

My other nephew here he is sitting up on his own. This was last month when he started siting up all by himself. He's a pro now, but when I was taking these photos he did roll on his side a couple of times. lol So cute!!

My nephew vs Mr. Potato Head! Just another stinking cute photo of him. :)

Look at those Baby Blues. Isn't he a cutie pie. :-)
Hope Everyone had a Safe and Happy Memorial Weekend.